
Boiler water treatment through UPCORE demineralization

SILHORKO-EUROWATER has delivered a water treatment plant for boiler make-up water for a power plant in Germany. 

The plant consists of UPCORE units for demineralization as well as mixed bed units for polishing. The ion exchange demineralizers are countercurrently regenerated, thus optimizing the utilization of the regeneration chemicals and self-cleaning, thus ensuring a constant, low pressure loss.

Referenčné ID: 125900
Industry: Teplárne a elektrárne
Application: Voda pre kotle


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Technický údaj

  • Flow: 2 x 2.5 m3/h
  • Conductivity: < 0.2 µS/cm
  • Silica SiO2: < 20 ppb

Zariadenia v technológii

  • Demineralization units 2 x DPC UPCORE
  • Mixed bed units 2 x MBA 360
  • Control cabinet with PLC


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